

Make your job easier by putting our years of experience to work for you.

Product Life Cycle

A client had an idea and was challenged to bring it to market. We were asked to manage their full product life cycle  resulting in a cost effective and reduced time frame to launch.

A telecommunications company had issues with customers ordering services and not getting those services provisioned. We led the creation of a big data product to ingest  logging data and identify transaction issues resulting in more reliable provisioning. 

An industry association had an antiquated system for member referrals. We were asked to articulate a vision for their industry, get-industry acceptance, implement, and organize their direct marketing campaigns resulting in improved referral capture rates.

Product Strategy

A telecommunications joint venture had aggressive goals and asked us to organize their efforts. Our prioritization and coordination across the companies resulted in  common APIs and process opening up new markets for cross- referral sales. 

A consortium of technology companies wanted to introduce a new product into the highly competitive consumer retail market. We created and ran the cross-company roadmap and execution of the consumer launch.

A technology company identified an industry opportunity to improve their video distribution infrastructure.  We were asked to create the product definition and work with suppliers to have this new device produced.  The result was an industry wide adoption of this new device.

New Product Development

A telecommunications company saw an opportunity to leverage their infrastructure to sell new services.  We were asked to develop a business plan and definition which allowed them to profitability enter a new market.

A technology company had an out of date provisioning system which could not efficiently provisioning new services.  We were asked to develop, launch and migrate to the new system while minimize end user impact.  This gave the ability for the technology company to provide new services efficiently.

A company wanted to exploit Voice over IP technology to as a B-to-B play.  We prototyped the system, created the product definition and rolled out the new service offering.